
Showing posts from February, 2013

Manuscript Format

How I format my manuscripts for Harlequin Romantic Suspense in MS Word: 1. Margins: one inch on all four sides 2. Line spacing: double 3. Indentation: Special - first line, each paragraph starts indented 4. Under Paragraph, check the box for "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style." 5. Font: Times New Roman 6. Font size: 12 7. Word count (as of 2/2013): between 70-75,000. This comes out to around 250 typed pages. 8. Header: Last Name / Title on the left, page number on the right. 9. Chapters: type the word chapter and the number centered on the page. No extra carriage return between the last paragraph of the previous chapter and the first paragraph of the current chapter. 10. Scene breaks: use # between scenes. No extra carriage return between the last paragraph of the previous scene and the first paragraph of the current scene. 11. Sentences: one space between sentences How I format my synopsis in Microsoft Word: 1. Margins: one inch on all ...

e-book pricing

Since receiving a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas, which I love and have been enjoying so much more than I thought I would, I am much crankier about e-book prices. I get irritated when I see a paperback version of a book (purchased new) is more expensive than the e-book. I have found I prefer to buy the e-book (thanks to my ever-growing family of readers, shelf space is at a premium around here) and when deciding between two books, I will choose the book I can get for the Kindle less expensively. I cannot be the only reader who feels this way. It makes me worry when I see my e-books listed at the same price or higher than the paperback version. I don't set the prices and I have no say in how my books are priced. But I think competitively pricing Harlequin e-book could help drive sales. FWIW.