Author Speaking Engagement and a New Project
It's been a little while since I posted, but I haven't been resting on my laurels. I have new books in the works, edits on other books and some news! But first, I wanted to post about my first author speaking engagement. When I was asked to speak at a local women's club about being an author, I wasn't sure what to talk about. Most readers don't want to hear about the nitty-gritty of publishing, but I wanted my talk to be informational and interesting. Here's the basic outline I used: 1. Thank the hostess! A speaking engagement is a great opportunity to reach out and talk to readers and gain a few new readers. 2. Brief description of who I am. The mini-bio 3. How I got started writing and the road to publication 4. My favorite authors 5. The hardest part of writing for me 6. Writing groups and critique partners 7. Why I write for Harlequin 8. Where I get my ideas 9. What I write - what genre, how graphic, etc. 10. How I do research 11. How I write ...