All the Romance Tropes (that I can think of)
*** Most books contain several or many tropes *** /* updated 5/30/2021 */ Accidental Cuddling (see also Only One Bed) Accidentally falling/tripping into one another Accidental text / email or phone call Action / Adventure Adopting a baby/child Affair Age Gap Alien Alpha Hero Amnesia/Fugue state Angels Anti-hero Apocalypse Arranged Marriage Artist Athlete Auction Avenging a Death Back to School Baby On The Doorstep: this might be an actual baby left for hero or heroine, or someone close to the hero/heroine leaving them unexpectedly in charge of a child Bad Boy / Rebel Bachelor Auction Bad girl Beards Best Friend’s sibling Beta Hero Big City Big family and lots of family dynamics Billionaire (Golden Sand by C.J. Miller) Bodyguard Books Ends (location): have the book start and end in the same place, but the hero/heroine are drastically different from the start of the book ...