Silhouette Desire Pitch Contest

I didn't get a request (for a partial or full). The editor mentioned I could make some revisions and send in a query/ synopsis.

And I found out the response time for queries is 3 months, meaning the one I sent in January was probably lost.

Like Dora in Little Nemo, "keep swimming, keep swimming."


  1. Dora,

    So sorry that you didn't get a request. After all that tension and excitement, it must seem like a letdown.

    But, they liked your pitch enough to pick you so keep working at it. During Krista's chat yesterday she said aspiring writer's could send in the first three chapter with the initial submission. Good luck.

  2. LOL - Cindy, I put a happy face beside my "Dora" in the last message but it didn't come through. Now I just look dumb instead of funny.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! It's much appreciated!


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