I entered a contest on Kylie Brant's webpage. The contest was called MENTORING MANIA and offered a one-on-one with Kylie either via email for a week or a 30 minute phone call. 11/04/2009 : Cindy's entry After using every writing resource at my disposal - writing daily, reading books on writing, reading agent and editor blogs, editing and polishing my work, having friends, family, and critique partners read my work - I would love to get the advice of a published author on how to get editorial attention. My target publisher is Harlequin/Silhouette, specifically the Silhouette Romantic Suspense imprint. I love the SRS line which strikes a great balance between romance and suspense (no gory details for me!). I've worked my query letters, entered my first pitch contest with Harlequin (was selected, but it didn't lead to a request for a full), honed my hooks, and still continue to get dreaded Rejection letters. I would love advice on maintaining sexual tension and develo...