MuseTrack Agent Shop

One of my dream agents is participating in MuseTrack's Agent Shop. Agent Shop is a way for writers to pitch their manuscripts electronically. The basic idea is at a predetermined time, the moderator of MuseTracks posts "GO" and everyone who wants to pitch their work emails their pitch. The first 30 (that follow the rules) pitches are posted.

The contest was set to start at 10am. At 9:50, I had both my computers on - one with the MuseTrack website up and one with my gmail account open with the pitch prepped and ready to send.

Due to some technical difficulties "GO" wasn't posted until 2pm.

You'd think during that four hours (yes, some of which I thought it had been cancelled, I had missed it, I had internet problems in which somehow only that page wasn't refreshing, and/or I had the wrong date) I would give up.

Nope. Didn't give up. For four hours (some of which, I had my husband take over the computer, so I could eat, etc.), I hit F5 on my web browser and toggled between it and my writing.

And when I saw that "GO", I emailed.

Well worth it for the chance.

And thank you to my husband who kept me utterly amused and answered my questions a hundred times without losing patience - It is May 2nd, right? Can you check the web page on your laptop and see if you see it? Wait, the word GO on the home page, right?

Seeing my post on the website this morning made it all worth it :)

Follow up: I did receive a request from one of the agents for a partial of my manuscript. Ultimately, the agent passed on the work, but did provide some advice on improving my story. The agent said, "your writing is fine," which I know isn't a glowing review, but it made me unreasonably happy.


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