
Showing posts from November, 2010

What did I send?

I thought it might be helpful to include what exactly I sent in my revision package: - brief letter to the editor thanking her for the opportunity, reminding her what my story was about, and letting her know I had made the changes she'd suggested - self-address stamped postcard (can be purchased from USPS) so the editor can drop it in the mail when she opens the package. This is piece of mind for me that the package wasn't lost en route. - revised synopsis (4 pages double-spaced) Eharlequin guidelines specify a two-page single-spaced synopsis, but their example shows a double-spaced synopsis. When I asked for clarification from eharl (always follow specification!) the response was to send it double-spaced. - self addressed return envelope with postage (not to hold the manuscript, I don't need that returned, just a regular letter sized for a response from the editor) - cover page with my contact information and information about the book (title, word count, author ...

Revisions Reflection

I mailed my revised manuscript to Silhouette Romantic Suspense last night. I had set a deadline for myself of a month based on feedback from other Harlequin authors and was pleased I met the deadline with no problem. More than proving I can/am willing to make changes in a timely manner, knowing I had four weeks prevented me from reviewing one scene again and again or obsessing about the editor's comments. When I got stuck on something, I sidelined it, and worked on another area of the manuscript and circled around later. I made continuous progress and felt really good about that. I also heeded the warning of one Harlequin authors, who mentioned she is careful to leave the parts of the manuscript not commented on alone (unless other changes impact it) since the editor liked the story enough to spend the time on revisions, rewriting the whole book isn't necessary. It was tempting to start major rewrites on every chapter, but I focused my time on the parts of the story the edito...

Request for Revisions

I received a request for revisions from an editor at Silhouette Romantic Suspense! The letter was approximately 3 pages of suggestions, some of the points about the manuscript as a whole, and some specific to a given scene. After conferring with several wonderful people on SubCare and with the help and encouragement of friends and family, I've worked out a plan of action. I have approximately a month to complete the changes and send them back. 1. Take a day (or two) to think about the changes. Read the letter about 10 times. 2. Go through the manuscript and mark (via comments and track changes) places where the editor suggests I make revisions. 3. Skim through the manuscript (I've written two more books for SRS since I submitted this one) and refamiliarize myself with the story. Make comments in the margins where I see some of the overarching problems referenced in the letter. 4. Complete smaller changes or those I am most clear about. 5. Tackle the more complicat...