Request for Revisions

I received a request for revisions from an editor at Silhouette Romantic Suspense! The letter was approximately 3 pages of suggestions, some of the points about the manuscript as a whole, and some specific to a given scene.

After conferring with several wonderful people on SubCare and with the help and encouragement of friends and family, I've worked out a plan of action.

I have approximately a month to complete the changes and send them back.

1. Take a day (or two) to think about the changes. Read the letter about 10 times.

2. Go through the manuscript and mark (via comments and track changes) places where the editor suggests I make revisions.

3. Skim through the manuscript (I've written two more books for SRS since I submitted this one) and refamiliarize myself with the story. Make comments in the margins where I see some of the overarching problems referenced in the letter.

4. Complete smaller changes or those I am most clear about.

5. Tackle the more complicated changes and make sure changes mesh with rest of novel.

6. See if I can talk one of my CPs (Cera Daniels... this means you!) into reviewing the changes, especially areas that need larger rewrites.


I'm sure there will be more steps, but that's my starting plan.

Thrilled to have gotten this far, and going to work my tail feathers off to get this book in shape!


  1. Whoo-hoo, Cindy. Huge congrats. Fingers crossed this leads to a sale for you!


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