2nd Round of Revisions

I received a reply to my revision request from HRS in the mail.

My heart sank. It was a rejection letter. What else comes in a SASE from editor to author?

I opened the letter and disappointment morphed to confusion. The letter was two pages long. A two page rejection letter?

A moment later, elation struck. NOT a rejection letter! Another revision request!

The editor at HRS requested some additional changes to my manuscript. They weren't as extensive as the first set and focused on clarifying my hero and heroine's conflict and ramping up the emotion throughout the novel.

I struggled with enhancing the emotion, wondering if she meant the romance specifically, or the emotions in the suspense scenes as well. I decided to do both.

A few emails to my CP and many late nights later, I realized I was 1500 words over the maximum word count for that line.

I went back to the manuscript and tightened every scene within an inch of its life. I'm back under the 60,000 word count maximum (just barely).

I plan to have the manuscript ready to be mailed by Friday. Then it's back to work on other manuscripts while I await a response!


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