Promotional considerations

I've been doing some research on promotion for books and while I have an exhaustive list of possible places to promote, I've whittled it down to those items that I can reasonably complete given time and money constraints.

The biggest tasks is #1: Write good books.

I have always been a big reader and before I started writing, the extent of my interaction with an author I liked was to go to their website and see when their next book was coming out. That was it. I didn't care if they had a facebook page. I just wanted another good book to read.

Here is the rest of the list.

2. Think about author branding and creating a tag line to make it clear what I write
3. Get a professional picture taken
4. Write an author biography
5. Attend social media / promo classes provided by Harlequin
6. Create a faceook author page
7. Write an author mini-bio for places like Amazon Author Central
8. Host monthly contests on my website once my book is released
9. Let people in my immediate network know about my book: high school, college, university
10. Create a twitter account
11. Find out when Harlequin hosts Intrigue / HRS chats and join in the conversation
12. Email friends and family when the book is available
13. Create blog posts weekly

Obviously, this is all in addition to creating and maintaining my website. That's enough on my plate for the moment. I might add or remove tasks as I figure out which are the most effective.


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