Art Fact Sheet and Book Title

If you've been following my progress since receiving a contract offer from Harlequin Romantic Suspense, I've been doing my best to track my writing activity on this blog. I hope it is helpful to get details from a soon-to-be published author about what happens after The Call.

Yesterday, I was introduced to the system Harlequin uses for creating cover art and back cover copy. The artists and editors ask for author input, such as suggested scenes, descriptions of characters, and plot synopsis. The hardest part for me is explaining the book briefly to someone who has never read it. I sink into the thick of my plot and my characters and it's hard to take a step back and type a few sentences explaining clearly what the book is about.

My editor (every time I type those words, I feel like a rock star...) also asked for a few suggestions for titles. My working title is Double Witness, which is lacking on the romance side. I'm doing some brainstorming at the moment and have a list of possible words to use. I'm trying some mixing and matching to see what I can come up with for a good book title. I have a few pet peeves about books titles, and while I don't have final say on the title, I'd like to steer mine away from those.

In other news, my first draft of my next book is complete. I'm starting revisions today.

Thanks for reading!


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