New submission to HRS

This past weekend, I emailed a query, synopsis, and new manuscript to my editor at Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I wrote, critiqued, revised and organized the submission in 4 months. Four months was my target time frame when I started writing the book in October 2011. I wanted to know if it was possible for me to complete a book in 16 weeks, especially one that is longer in length. (The new word count for HRS is 70-75,000 words.)

Turns out, it's completely possible. I didn't feel as though I needed to go to any extremes (skipping sleep, canceling plans, missing events) to meet it either.

I have my fingers crossed that Harlequin will want to buy it!

The day after I submitted the manuscript, I started my next manuscript. I already had an idea and outline lodged in my mind, so it was easy going.

I was talking to another writing buddy and she mentioned that it helps her to take a break between books.

I haven't taken days off from writing since I had my son a little over a year ago.

Do you think time away helps creativity or hurts it? How much time away is TOO much time?


  1. Yay! Congrats on your submission! How reassuring to know you CAN work quickly!

    I definitely take breaks from writing, mostly to read. I'm so impressed by your work schedule...that takes a lot of discipline!


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