
I've been thinking about buying an e-reader. I usually read paperbacks or use my laptop, but neither fits neatly into my handbag. I would never be caught bored in a long line / waiting for a show to start / waiting for a seat in a restaurant if I had an e-reader.

Recently, we've had to clear out closet and bookshelf space, and I had to part with some paperbacks. If I had those same books on an e-reader, I wouldn't have had to let them go!

If only I could load all my favorite books onto the e-reader without re-buying copies.

Any suggestions for one e-reader over another? Pros and cons?


  1. I was just at the pool the other day, and had to drain my battery quickly on my tablet to read outside, even in the shade! I am siding with you on the e-reader side of things. Plus, with a smartphone or laptop, you can pick up and continue on any web-connected device that has access to the reading program (such as the Kindle reader for Android, iOS, or through your browser). Its worth the convenience and the rediculous battery life. An added benefit of something like the Kindle with Special Offers is that sometimes the Special offers are actually valuable as well!


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