Before I was a writer...
- I had never heard of the RITA s or RWA - I didn't read book reviews - I didn't check agent or editor blogs - I didn't have a twitter account - I didn't "friend" authors on Facebook - I didn't use Goodreads - I didn't pay attention to banner ads for books on websites - I didn't write reviews for books online (I am still leery of writing reviews or rating romance novels.) * I was/am a BIG romance reader, sometimes reading a book a day. Since becoming a parent, the number of books I read has decreased. How I found new authors: -'s recommendations based on my buying history - my local library's "new books" section and librarian referrals section (a librarian is a writer's best friend!) - word of mouth - cover quotes by an author I love recommending the book... "Oh, so-and-so read this and loved it? Awesome!" - Some amount of random selection based on title and cover art (I rarely read the bac...