Before I was a writer...

- I had never heard of the RITAs or RWA
- I didn't read book reviews
- I didn't check agent or editor blogs
- I didn't have a twitter account
- I didn't "friend" authors on Facebook
- I didn't use Goodreads
- I didn't pay attention to banner ads for books on websites
- I didn't write reviews for books online (I am still leery of writing reviews or rating romance novels.)

* I was/am a BIG romance reader, sometimes reading a book a day. Since becoming a parent, the number of books I read has decreased.

How I found new authors:
-'s recommendations based on my buying history
- my local library's "new books" section and librarian referrals section (a librarian is a writer's best friend!)
- word of mouth
- cover quotes by an author I love recommending the book... "Oh, so-and-so read this and loved it? Awesome!"
- Some amount of random selection based on title and cover art (I rarely read the back cover blurb)

It makes me wonder if putting effort into social media helps readers find your book. Most of my twitter followers and facebook friends are writers and editors.

At the present, I do very little on social media. Most of my writing time is devoted to just that : writing.

How do you find new authors and books?


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