Letting my RWA membership lapse

I've decided to let my RWA (Romance Writers of America) membership lapse.

Many authors advise new writers to join RWA for the information, the industry connections and the support from other writers. I get better information from industry and author blogs/websites and I've made more connections and gotten more support from writers I've met through social media.

It's not to say that RWA doesn't provide benefits to its members. But I don't have time to engage with the organization or participate in a meaningful way. I skim the RWR (Romance Writer's Report, a monthly publication from RWA), I don't have time to read the online classes (free to members) and I don't have the resources to attend the yearly conference.

I'm juggling two young children, another job, my writing, and life. It doesn't leave much room for other things. My writing time goes directly into writing new books. If I get an extra ten minutes here or there, I do promotional work.

I hope to rejoin at some point in the future when I have more time.


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